Clarborough & Welham Parish Council Meeting – 2nd Sept 2024
Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting 2nd September 2024
I hereby give you notice of the Clarborough & Welham Parish Council meeting to be held at 7.00pm on Monday 2nd September 2024 in the Clarborough Village Hall, Main Street, Clarborough.
All Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder. Please note that meetings may be recorded.
Dated this 21th August 2024
Mrs W Davies Parish Clerk
2584/24 To consider any apologies and reasons for absence
2585/24 To receive any Declaration of Interest in any items on the agenda
2586/24 To suspend the meeting for open session for Members of the public to speak and to receive reports from the District & County Councillors and CDCA
2587/24 To consider the minutes of the meeting held 29th July 2024
2588/24 To receive updates on any actions from the previous meeting
2589/24 To receive reports from any other meetings attended
2590/24 To consider any planning applications as listed and note any planning correspondence
2591/24 To receive play area inspections and consider cost of any expenses or repairs
2592/24 To consider quotations or other options for the additional work to the Parish Pasture Footpath
2593/24 To receive any updates on the new website and email addresses and to consider additional cost of £56.00 to put maps onto the website
2594/24 To consider replacing the football nets, attention to the goal mouths and goals on the sports field
2595/24 To consider letting the local football team to train on the sports field on Tuesday or Thursdays
2596/24 To consider safety signs for the play areas and costs involved
2597/24 To consider Christmas Tree lighting events and expenses
2598/24 To consider insurance renewal for 2024-25
2599/24 Finances – to consider payments as listed and finances documents for 31st July2024
2600/24 To receive any updates on the Parish Pasture and consider any expenses
2601/24 To receive any updates on the Mayflower Community Orchard and consider any expenses
2602/24 To receive any updates of flood reports
2603/24 To report any Highways, Rights of Way, or Service Faults
2604/24 To receive any correspondence or information for future agenda items
2605/24 Time and date of the next Parish Council Meeting –
Cheques for approval:
- Wages £224.57 (SO)
- Holmes Groundcare Maintenance Ltd – 2 x July cuts £438.36 (2457)
- P Gibson – expenses £TBA
Planning applications – none to date.
Minutes of the Clarborough & Welham Parish Council meeting
Minutes of the Clarborough & Welham Parish Council meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 2nd September 2024 in the Clarborough Village Hall, Main Street, Clarborough.
Present: Cllr Gibson (Chair), Cllr Driver, Cllr Smith, and Cllr Joyce (Cllr Palfreman joined the meeting late)
Others: Mr Davies (Clerk), Mr Herdman (C.D.C.A), members of the public and County Cllr Taylor
2584/24 To consider any apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr Driver proposed to approve apologies and reasons from Cllr Avery; this was seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council.
2585/24 To receive any Declaration of Interest in any items on the agenda
No declaration of interests received.
2586/24 To suspend the meeting for open session for Members of the public to speak and to receive reports from the District & County Councillors and CDCA
Cllr Baines joined the meeting during this agenda item.
- A Police report was submitted and circulated around the Council
- District Cllr Frazer McFarland not present
- Mr Herdman gave his C.D.C.A (Village Hall) and IT Group report
County Councillor Tracey Taylor gave her County report, and it was notes that:
- The Welham to Retford road resurface work is due to take place in October
- The Highways team have put the gantry chains back in place and will now be checking them more frequently
- Rights of Way – Foot Path No.9; the bridge work is pending quotations to be received for the work. An inspection on Foot Path No.22 to be carried out following issues reported
- Clarborough Hill hedge – The Chair sent photos to highways showing the overgrown vegetation; the response was that they are waiting for the nesting season to finish
2587/24 To consider the minutes of the meeting held 29th July 2024
Cllr Smith proposed to accept the minutes of the meeting held 29th July 2024 as a true record; this was seconded by Cllr Driver and resolved by the Council.
2588/24 To receive updates on any actions from the previous meeting
- The Chair reported that he has not had any luck yet in getting a company to quote for repairs to the play area equipment
- The Unity Trust Bank account has now been set up; the transfer of Natwest funds date is 4th September
2589/24 To receive reports from any other meetings attended
No other meetings attended.
2590/24 To consider any planning applications as listed and note any planning correspondence
No planning applications received.
2591/24 To receive play area inspections and consider cost of any expenses or repairs
The Chair has carried out two inspections and reported and actions required on the play area and the defibrillators.
Cllr Joyce proposed to purchase weed killer for £20.00 to clear the weeds at the village hall entrance and the car park; this was seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council.
2592/24 To consider quotations or other options for the additional work to the Parish Pasture Footpath
Following a discussion, the Chair proposed holding a community event for volunteers to help clear red chipping off the Parish Pasture footpath; with a £500 budget for hire of machine and refreshments; this was second by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council.
The Chair to carry out risk assessments.
2593/24 To receive any updates on the new website and email addresses and to consider additional cost of £56.00 to put maps onto the website
Cllr Smith reported on the new website which is now up and running and suggested opening a Parish Council face book account.
Cllr Smith explained the benefits of including maps on the website; examples are to show boundaries, buildings, footpaths, road works, where grit bins, litter bins and defibrillators
Cllr Smith then explained that domain for the old website is still valid for a few years and suggested keeping it until its expirers so that anyone still looking at the old website will be linked to the new website. The cost for someone to maintain the old
domain would be £15.00 for the year.
After discussion, Cllr Smith proposed to approve the additional cost of £56.00 per year to include maps on the website; this was seconded by Cllr Joyce and resolved by the Council.
After discussion, Cllr Smith proposed to keep the old domain and maintain at a cost of £15.00 per year; this was seconded by Cllr Baines and resolved by the Council.
2594/24 To consider replacing the football nets, attention to the goal mouths and goals on the sports field
After discussions, Cllr Baines proposed that the Chair will purchase new football nets and paint for the goal posts within a budget of around £100; this was seconded by Cllr Driver and resolved by the Council.
The Chair and Cllr Joyce will arrange a visit to the sports field and Cllr Joyce to ask the team if they would paint the goal posts.
2595/24 To consider letting the local football team to train on the sports field on Tuesday or Thursdays
After discussion, the Chair proposed to allow the football team to use the sports field for one season on a Tuesday or Thursday and then review; this was seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council.
2596/24 To consider safety signs for the play areas and costs involved
The Chair proposed to purchase five safety signs for the football pitch, play park, Parish Pasture entrances and allotments for £188.60 plus vat; this was seconded by Cllr Joyce and resolved by the Council.
The Chair applied to the District Councillor Frazer McFarland for a grant towards the signs; this was approved and £200 was received. Thank you to Cllr McFarland.
2597/24 To consider Christmas Tree lighting events and expenses
The Chair has contacted to two volunteers that organised the last couple of year’s Christmas Events and they will not be doing this year’s event. There are no volunteers to help organise the event; it was suggested to approach the owner of the pub. To defer this idea to the next meeting.
2598/24 To consider insurance renewal for 2024-25
The Clerk reported that she is still waiting for two additional quotations for the insurance renewal. Due to the insurance expiring before the next meeting – Cllr Joyce proposed that the Clerk circulates the renewal quotes for consideration and accept the chosen the quote and minute at the next meeting; this was seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council.
2599/24 Finances – to consider payments as listed and finances documents for 31st July 2024
The Clerk previously circulated copies of the finance documents, budget, bank statements for the Councillors to view.
Cllr Joyce proposed to approve the financial documents and payments as listed; this was seconded by Cllr Baines and resolved by the Council.
- Wages £224.57 (SO)
- Holmes Groundcare Maintenance Ltd – 2 x July grass cuts £438.36 (2457) Following items will be BACs payments once the account is transferred to the Unity Trust.
- P Gibson – to cover expenses for mileage, hire of strimmer, strimmer fuel, weed killer, safety signs and to fit them £307.52 (Bacs1)
- Holmes Groundcare Maintenance Ltd – 1 grass cut August £219.18 (Bacs2)
- PKF Littlejohn LLP – external audit fees £252.00 (Bacs3)
NatWest Bank statement balance 31st July 2024 £45,708.98
Less unpresented cheques £537.11
Closing cash book balance 31st July 2024 £45,171.87
Made up of:
General reserves £25,561.65
Ear marked reserves £19,610.22
The Clerk then reported that the External Auditor’s Report and Certificate 2023-24 has been received and published on the website. The report states: “On the basis of our review of Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), in our opinion the information in Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR is in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.”
The Notice of Conclusion of Audit of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31st March 2024 will be published on the Website 3rd September 2024 for minimum of 14 days.
Cllr Joyce proposed to accept the External Auditor’s Report and Certificate and the Notice of Conclusion of Audit for 2023-24; this was seconded by Cllr Baines and resolved by the Council.
2600/24 To receive any updates on the Parish Pasture and consider any expenses
- The chair has collected equipment, gates and posts from Mr Willcock and put into storage. The gates and signs still need to be installed
- A strimmer was hired for £33.00 and used for the entrance to the pasture, memorial area, path and around trees
- Wild flower meadow required cutting then further strimming is required and several trees supports applied
- An article was put in the newsletter asking for volunteers to help with the Parish Pasture – one response received
2601/24 To receive any updates on the Mayflower Community Orchard and consider any expenses
Cllr Avery not present to give a report.
2602/24 To receive any updates of flood reports
Cllr Avery not present to give a report.
2603/24 To report any Highways, Rights of Way, or Service Faults
The Chair reported:
- Clarborough Hill hedge has been reported
- Footpath No. 18A overgrown hedge has been reported, footpath No.9 bridge floorboards reported previously. The Chair has emailed the Rights of Way Officer for an update but no response as yet
- The hedge has been cut on Main Street adjacent to Howbeck Lane
- A high vehicle has hit the low bridge, debris was left after the collision, but this has now been cleared now and collected by the District Council
- The Chair has conducted litter picks on Gypsy Corner two bags, Clarborough Hill 1 bag, Clarborough Main Street 1 bag and Big Lane to Witsunday Pie Lock x 2 6 bags
2604/24 To receive any correspondence or information for future agenda items
Agenda items:
- Co-option
- Insurance renewal
- Christmas Tree lighting event Information:
- Mr Willcock will attend Nottinghamshire & Nottingham Local Nature Recovery Strategy event on behalf of the Parish Council
2605/24 Time and date of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 14th October 2024 at 7pm in the Clarborough Village Hall, Main Street, Clarborough, Retford.