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Agenda for the Parish Council Meeting 29th July 2024

I hereby give you notice of the Clarborough & Welham Parish Council meeting to be held at 7.00pm on Monday 29th July 2024 in the Clarborough Village Hall, Main Street, Clarborough.

All Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder. Please note that meetings may be recorded.

Dated this 22nd July 2024
Mrs W Davies Parish Clerk



  • 2563/24 To consider any apologies and reasons for absence
  • 2564/24 To receive any Declaration of Interest in any items on the agenda
  • 2565/24 To suspend the meeting for open session for Members of the public to speak and to receive reports from the District & County Councillors and CDCA
  • 2566/24 To consider the minutes of the meeting held 17th June 2024
  • 2567/24 To consider quotation for additional work to the Parish Pasture Footpath
  • 2568/24 To receive updates on any actions from the previous meeting
  • 2569/24 To receive reports from any other meetings attended
  • 2570/24 To consider any planning applications as listed and note any planning correspondence
  • 2571/24 To consider the Independent Play Area Inspection report and any expenses including service of strimmer
  • 2572/24 To receive an update on the Parish Council website and consider documents/direct debit forms that will need signing and approving
  • 2573/24 To sign the Unity Trust Bank documents for a current and savings account, consider a £500 deposit to open the accounts as requested and to confirm Cllr Smith as an additional signatory
  • 2574/24 To approve NALC’s New Councillor training for Cllr Smith in the amount of £45.00
  • 2575/24 To consider replacing the football nets, attention to the goal mouths and goals on the sports field
  • 2576/24 To consider letting the local football team to train on the sports field on Tuesday or Thursdays
  • 2577/24 Finances – to consider payments as listed and finances documents for 30th June 2024
  • 2578/24 To receive any updates on the Parish Pasture and consider any expenses
  • 2579/24 To receive any updates on the Mayflower Community Orchard and consider any expenses
  • 2580/24 To receive any updates of flood reports
  • 2581/24 To report any Highways, Rights of Way, or Service Faults
  • 2582/24 To receive any correspondence or information for future agenda items
  • 2583/24 Time and date of the next Parish Council Meeting

Planning Applications:

  1. None to date

Cheques for approval:

  1. Wages £224.57 (SO)
  2. NALC £45.00 – Training – item ref 2574/24
  3. Homes Groundcare Maintenance for June £219.18
  4. Unity Trust Bank – £500 deposit – item ref 2573/24
  5. P Gibson – reimbursement of expenses £TBA

Minutes of the Clarborough & Welham Parish Council meeting

Minutes of the Clarborough & Welham Parish Council meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 29th July 2024 in the Clarborough Village Hall, Main Street, Clarborough.


Present:               Cllr Gibson (Chair), Cllr Smith, Cllr Palfreman, Cllr Baines, and Cllr Driver

Others:                 Mrs Davies (Clerk), Mr Herd (CDCA) and members of the public


2563/24                To consider any apologies and reasons for absence

Cllr Baines proposed to approve apologies and reasons for absence from Cllr Joyce and Cllr Avery; this was seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council.


2564/24                To receive any Declaration of Interest in any items on the agenda

No Declaration of Interests received.


2565/24                To suspend the meeting for open session for Members of the public to speak and to receive reports from the District & County Councillors and CDCA

Mr Herdman gave his C.D.C.A report for the village hall and I T group.


2566/24                To consider the minutes of the meeting held 17th June 2024

Cllr Driver proposed to accept the minutes of the meeting held 17th June 2024 as a true record; this was seconded by Cllr Palfreman and resolved by the Council. The Chair duly signed the minutes.


2567/24                To consider quotation for additional work to the Parish Pasture Footpath

Following discussion and the need for additional information, this agenda item was deferred.

County Councillor Tracey Taylor joined the meeting and gave her County report.


2568/24                To receive updates on any actions from the previous meeting

No updates received.


2569/24                To receive reports from any other meetings attended

Cllr Smith reported that he had attended the Annual General Meeting of the Clarborough & District Community Association; information was already provided by Mr Herd in the public session.


2570/24                To consider any planning applications as listed and note any planning correspondence

No planning applications received.


2571/24                To consider the Independent Play Area Inspection report and any expenses including service of strimmer

The Independent Play Area report has previously been circulated around the councillors. It was noted that all the items raised were very low risk or low risk; no actions raised but these items were to be monitored. The Chair will look for costings of grass matting, work to the rocker which has been removed and climbing frame repair.

The Chair reported that the strimmer has been serviced at a cost of £56.00; however, after substantial strimming was carried out the strimmer stopped working and was unrepairable. The strimmer was only a domestic one and a discussion took place regarding replacing it with a commercial strimmer. It was decided to rent a strimmer as and when one was required.

The Chair carried out his play area inspections:

  • Keep of the grass signs have been vandalised – to be repaired
  • Tree branch broken off – disposed of
  • Litter picked up during the inspection
  • Rocker spring broken – item removed and will cost up the repair
  • Bolt missing on climbing wall – still secure and to be monitored
  • Goal posts require painting – to be carried out
  • Large hole in west goal new – to replace
  • Benches have been graffiti sprayed – requires cleaning

 Cllr Baines proposed to approve the £56.00 strimmer repair and to hire a strimmer when required, this was seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council.

The school asked permission to use the football pitch during their event – Cllr Palfreman

Proposed to approve the request; this was seconded by Cllr Baines and resolved by the Council.


2572/24                To receive an update on the Parish Council website and consider documents/direct debit forms that will need signing and approving

Cllr Smith gave an update on the new Parish-online website with a discounted cost for the year of £300.00 (no direct debit required).

Cllr Baines proposed to approve the £300.00 fee; this was seconded by Cllr Drivers and resolved by the Council.


2573/24                To sign the Unity Trust Bank documents for a current and savings account, consider a £500 deposit to open the accounts as requested and to confirm Cllr Smith as an additional signatory

The Clerk went through the documents for the Unity Trust Bank application and the deposit required to open the account.

The Clerk also mentioned that Cllr Smith had been nominated as a bank signatory during the roles and responsibilities decided at the June meeting and to confirm under this agenda item.

Cllr Driver proposed to approve the £500.00 deposit and approve Cllr Smith as an additional bank signatory for the Unity Trust Bank account; this was seconded by Cllr Palfreman and resolved by the Council.


2574/24                To approve NALC’s New Councillor training for Cllr Smith in the amount of £45.00

Cllr Palfreman proposed to approve the £45.00 training session for Cllr Smith; this was seconded by Cllr Baines and resolved by the Council.


2575/24                To consider replacing the football nets, attention to the goal mouths and goals on the sports field

Cllr Joyce was not present at the meeting and this item was deferred to the next meeting.


2576/24                To consider letting the local football team to train on the sports field on Tuesday or Thursdays

Cllr Joyce was not present at the meeting and this item was deferred to the next meeting.


2577/24                Finances – to consider payments as listed and finances documents for 30th June 2024

The Clerk previously circulated payments for approval and copies of the financials for 30th June 2024, budget, and bank statement for the Councillors to view.

Cllr Smith proposed to approve the following payments and financial documents as above; this was seconded by Cllr Driver and resolved by the Council.


Wages £224.57 (SO)

NALC £45.00 – Training – item ref (2451) 2574/24

Homes Groundcare Maintenance for June grass cut £219.18 (2452)

P Gibson – reimbursement of expenses £96.11 (2453)

B K Hogg – Topping of Parish Pasture £96.00 (2454)

Parish-online website fee £300.00 – (2455) 2572/24

Unity Trust Bank – £500 deposit to open new account (2456) 2573/24


Bank statement balance 30th June 2024                  £46,152.73

Less unpresented cheques                                          £00,000.00

Closing cash book balance 30th June 2024               £46,152.73

Made up of:

General reserves                             £26,542.51

Ear marked reserves                      £19,610.22



2578/24                To receive any updates on the Parish Pasture and consider any expenses

The Chair gave the following report:

  • BBQs have been removed from the resilient container.
  • Gates & signs need to be installed
  • I contacted BDC to report their land grass required cutting – this work was carried out.
  • Strimmer serviced £56.45
  • I strimmed path edges and strimmed out a lot of wild oats.
  • Following my strimming David Hogg cut the path edges and the west side.
  • I strimmed around most of the trees however, the strimmer failed before completion. Returned to Tony Halford. He says the strimmer not worth repairing.
  • Newsletter article requesting Friend of Parish Pasture volunteers.


2579/24                To receive any updates on the Mayflower Community Orchard and consider any expenses

The planting of the eight plum trees will be carried out in the late autumn.


2580/24                To receive any updates of flood reports

Cllr Avery submitted his report in his absence:

At the meeting with the Scott Stone, Lead Flood Officer, and Cllr Tracey Taylor on 29 May we agreed we would meet again to report progress on the various issues.  I will set up the meeting through them.

2581/24                To report any Highways, Rights of Way, or Service Faults

The Chair gave the following report:

  • Several footpaths overgrown – Reported.
  • Footpath four off Little Lane strimmed due to high stinging nettles
  • I have been in touch with our rights of way officer Lance Concannon. He says there is back log of work within the district. Some paths in our parish have been moved up the priority list. Footpath No5 has already been cut. Footpath No9 bridge repairs gone out to contract for pricing
  • Request from a resident for sand bags – 12 delivered.
  • Four litter picks carried out, areas picked – Clarborough Hill, Main Street to Little Lane, Big Lane, Little Lane to Whitsunday pie lock and Howbeck Lane. Six bags disposed of to tip
  • Fly tipping top of Howbeck Hill mostly removed. Fly tipping opposite the garage reported.


2582/24                To receive any correspondence or information for future agenda items

Agenda items:

  • Website update
  • Football items deferred from this meeting
  • Christmas lighting event
  • Insurance renewal


2583/24                Time and date of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 2nd September 2024 at 7pm in the Clarborough Village Hall, Main Street, Clarborough.

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