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Clarborough & Welham Parish Council Meeting – 17th June 2024

Agenda – 17th June 2024

I hereby give you notice of the Clarborough & Welham Parish Council meeting to be held at 7.00pm on Monday 17th June 2024 in the Clarborough Village Hall, Main Street, Clarborough.

All Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder. Please note that meetings may be recorded.

Dated this 3rd June 2024
Mrs W Davies Parish Clerk


  • 2542/24 To consider any apologies and reasons for absence
  • 2543/24 To receive any Declaration of Interest in any items on the agenda
  • 2544/24 To suspend the meeting for open session for Members of the public to speak and to receive reports from the District & County Councillors and CDCA
  • 2545/24 To consider the minutes of the meeting held 13th May 2024
  • 2546/24 To receive and note the Annual Internal Audit Report for the year 2023-24
  • 2547/24 To approve the Annual Governance statement for the year 2023-24
  • 2548/24 To approve the Accounting Statements for the year 2023-24
  • 2549/24 The Responsible Finance Officer to set the commencement date for the exercise of public rights
  • 2550/24 To consider quotation for additional work to the Parish Pasture Footpath
  • 2551/24 To receive updates on any actions from the previous meeting
  • 2552/24 To receive reports from any other meetings attended
  • 2553/24 To receive play area inspection reports and consider any expenses
  • 2554/24 To consider any planning applications as listed and note any planning correspondence
  • 2555/24 To receive an update on the Parish Council website and consider the email address
  • 2556/24 Finances – to consider payments as listed and finances documents for 31st May 2024
  • 2557/24 To receive any updates on the Parish Pasture and consider any expenses
  • 2558/24 To receive any updates on the Mayflower Community Orchard and consider any expenses
  • 2559/24 To receive any updates of flood reports
  • 2560/24 To report any Highways, Rights of Way, or Service Faults
  • 2561/24 To receive any correspondence or information for future agenda items
  • 2562/24 Time and date of the next Parish Council Meeting

Planning Applications

Application: 24/00559/TPO
Proposal: Works to trees protected by a tree preservation Order – Horse Chestnut T7 – removal of lower stem. T9 – reduce by 3.5m
Location: Trees at Welham Hall, Little Gringley Lane, Welham

Cheques for approval:

  1. Wages £224.57 (SO)
  2. Isle of Axholme & North Notts Water Level Management Board – Agricultural drainage rates £3.39 (2447)
  3. Mrs Savill – Internal Audit £50.00 (2448)
  4. Holmes Groundcare Maintenance – May grass cuts £TBA


Minutes – 17th June 2024

Minutes of the Clarborough & Welham Parish Council meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 17th June 2024 in the Clarborough Village Hall, Main Street, Clarborough.

Present: Cllr Gibson (Chair), Cllr Palfreman, Cllr Smith, Cllr Avery, and Cllr Driver
Others: Mrs Davies (Clerk)

2542/24 To consider any apologies and reasons for absence

Cllr Palfreman proposed to accept apologies and reasons from Cllr Joyce and Cllr Baines; this was seconded by Cllr Avery and resolved by the Council.

It was noted that no election has been called for to cover the casual vacancy; therefore, the Parish Council can now co-opt to fill the vacancy.

2543/24 To receive any Declaration of Interest in any items on the agenda

No Declaration of Interests received.

2544/24 To suspend the meeting for open session for Members of the public to speak and to receive reports from the District & County Councillors and CDCA

A resident who is assisting the Parish Council regarding work required on the Parish Pasture footpath; discussed options with the councillors regarding the surface of the path which is noted under item 2550/24.

2545/24 To consider the minutes of the meeting held 13th May 2024

Cllr Smith proposed to accept the minutes of the meeting held 13th May 2024 as a true record, this was seconded by Cllr Driver and resolved by the Council.

2546/24 To receive and note the Annual Internal Audit Report for the year 2023-24

The Clerk previously circulated copy of the Internal audit report for the Councillors to consider.

Cllr Palfreman proposed to note the Internal Audit Report with no issues raised; this was seconded by Cllr Avery and resolved by the Council.

2547/24 To approve the Annual Governance statement for the year 2023-24

The Clerk previously circulated information for each of the assertions on the Annual Governance Statement for the Councillors to consider.

Cllr Avery proposed to approve the Annual Governance Statement with no issues raised; this was seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council.

2548/24 To approve the Accounting Statements for the year 2023-24

The Clerk previously circulated copies of the Accounting Statements for the Councillors to consider.

Cllr Palfreman proposed to approve the Accounting Statements; this was seconded by Cllr Driver and resolved by the Council.

2549/24 The Responsible Finance Officer to set the commencement date for the exercise of public rights

The Responsible Finance Officer has set the date of announcement of Friday 21st June and the commencement date for the exercise of public rights of Monday 24th June 2024 to Friday 2nd August 2024.

Cllr Avery proposed to accept the date set as above; this was seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council.

2550/24 To consider quotation for additional work to the Parish Pasture Footpath

Following a lengthy discussion in the public session regarding options for the additional work to the Parish Pasture footpath, this item was deferred to the next meeting due to additional information is required from the contractors.

2551/24 To receive updates on any actions from the previous meeting

No updates of actions received.

2552/24 To receive reports from any other meetings attended

The Chair gave an update of the Central Bassetlaw Forum meeting he attended:

  • The full minutes will be circulated when received.
  • BDC electoral reform recommends changes to the Clarborough ward from Clayworth.
  • Discussion around putting on events re insurance and risk assessments.
  • Styrrup reported they also have had a councillor abused.
  • Cottam & West Burton A power stations -Update given of demolishing progress thus far.
  • Cottam towers & chimneys due to be dropped first quarter of 2025
  • West Burton towers & chimneys due to be dropped first quarter 2027
  • Limited presentation given on the STEP fusion project

2553/24 To receive play area inspection reports and consider any expenses

The Chair conducted play area inspections in May and June; it was noted that:

  • The ‘Do not drive on grass’ signs have been vandalised
  • There were signs of an attempted entry into the Council’s container
  • The tree with bark removed has now died
  • The chair spring has broken and been removed – repair to be advised
  • Bolt missing on the climbing wall – it is still secure and is monitored
  • The goal posts require painting and a replacement goal net to be replaced
  • Benches in the Gill Green Walk play area have been graffiti sprayed and requires cleaning

2554/24 To consider any planning applications as listed and note any planning correspondence

Application: 24/00559/TPO

Proposal: Works to trees protected by a tree preservation Order

  • Horse Chestnut T7
  • removal of lower stem. T9
  • reduce by 3.5m

Location: Trees at Welham Hall, Little Gringley Lane, Welham

Cllr Palfreman proposed not to make any objections; this was seconded by Cllr Driver and resolved by the Council.

2555/24 To receive an update on the Parish Council website and consider the email address

Cllr Smith gave a proposal for a new website and why a domain is important. Four host suppliers of domains were reviewed.

After discussion, Cllr Smith proposed to appoint Parish Online at an annual cost of £350.00; this was seconded by Cllr Gibson and resolved by the Council.

2556/24 Finances – to consider payments as listed and financial documents for 31st May 2024

The Clerk previously circuited payments for approval and copies of the finance documents and bank statements for the Councillors to view.

Cllr Avery proposed to approve the payments as listed and financial documents; this was seconded by Cllr Smith and resolved by the Council

  1. Wages £224.57 (SO)
  2. Isle of Axholme & North Notts Water Level Management Board – Agricultural drainage rates £3.39 (2447)
  3. Mrs Savill – Internal Audit £50.00 (2448)
  4. Holmes Ground Care Maintenance – May grass cuts £324.18
  5. P Gibson reimbursement of expenses £59.00 (2450)

Bank Balance 31st May 2024 £46,835.05
Less unpresented cheques £00,312.10
Closing cash book balance 31.5.2024 £46,523.87
Made up of: General reserves £26,913.65
Ear marked reserves £19,610.22

2557/24 To receive any updates on the Parish Pasture and consider any expenses

The Chair gave to following report:

  • The Land registry has sent the official copy of the register of title for the Parish Pasture land and it is noted that a refund from the unspent deposit of £290 is due from our solicitor.
  • Paul Wilcock has supplied the Council with an annual maintenance schedule.
  • All three wild flower scrapes are doing well, one better than the other two.
  • The manhole cover reported to Severn Trent has been replaced.
  • Benches adjacent to the canal covered in bird droppings. Plastic spikes put on back rests.
  • Boundary of Broad Gores and Parish Pasture agreed with neighbour.
  • East side of Parish Pasture requires a cut as soon as possible and the West side at the end of August.
  • Bassetlaw District Council’s Estates office has been emailed to request their land to be cut and grids to be cleared. No response yet.

2558/24 To receive any updates on the Mayflower Community Orchard and consider any expenses

Cllr Avery reported that he is aiming to get the plum trees planted with the help of the Scouts.

The Chair reported that a volunteer has strimmed the whole area of the Mayflower Meadow.

2559/24 To receive any updates of flood reports

Cllr Avery circulated a copy of the notes from a meeting he held on the 29th May 2024 with Scott Stones the Principal Flood Officer from Notts County Council, County Councillor Trace Taylor, Cllr Driver, and Cllr Palfreman.

2560/24 To report any Highways, Rights of Way, or Service Faults

The Chair reported the following:

  • Four litter picks carried out, Clarborough to Welham corner, two on main street, and Smeath Lane
  • Bulk bag of grit kept in the resilient container emptied into manageable sacks.
  • Two BBQs in the container need to be relocated as the room is required to store Parish Council equipment that Mr Willcock has in his garage.
  • The Footpath Warden informed that several pot holes have been reported, and most of them have been repaired
  • Fly tipping reported top of Howbeck Hill, the District Council removed this
  • A complaint was received from a land owner regarding the hedge along Big Lane; this has been reported
  • The Footpath Warden has reported that footpath No.9-foot bridge has several rotten boards; this was Inspected and reported

2561/24 To receive any correspondence or information for future agenda items

  • In keep the update on the website on the agenda
  • Replacement of football nets

2562/24 Time and date of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday July 29th at 7pm in the Clarborough Village Hall, Main Street, Clarborough.


Minutes of the meeting held 17th June 2024

Signed: P Gibson   Date: 29th July 2024

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